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Relationship & Emotions Therapy for the LGBTQ+ Community in NYC & Across New York

Strengthen & Improve Connections with Relationship & Emotions Therapy

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Own Your Authenticity with Pride

We are all unique and imperfect on a journey to understand our place in the world. No matter if you’re gay, straight, or still figuring out who you are, we’ll help you own your identity, process trauma, heal from past harm, overcome obstacles, and build your toolbox to deal with interpersonal and relationship challenges so you can truly be in control of your life.

Find New Ways to Improve Your relationships, Regardless of your Relationship Structure

Whether you’re in a monogamous partnership, a polyamorous configuration, or exploring family bonds, relationship & emotions therapy celebrates your unique relationship structure and helps you manage conflict effectively, strengthens communication, and builds deeper intimacy.

Is Relationship & Emotions Therapy Right For You?

Are you struggling with relationship stress, communication breakdowns, or a lack of intimacy? Perhaps you’re yearning for a deeper connection or feeling lost when it comes to navigating emotions within your relationship. Relationship & emotions therapy equips you and your partner with tools to manage conflict effectively, build stronger emotional bonds, and reignite the spark in your connection. If you’re ready to create a more fulfilling and supportive relationship, we can help!

How Can It Help?

Reignite Passion, Explore Pleasure & Create a More
Fulfilling Connection With Your Partner

Benefits of Relationship &
Emotions Therapy

LGBTQ+ relationship & emotions therapy at Manhattan Mindful recognizes the wide diversity of partnership structures and configurations within the LGBTQ+ community, including monogamous relationships, open relationships, polyamorous dynamics, and chosen family structures.

Strengthen Your Foundation

Confront Past Transgressions

Reignite Intimacy

Address Family Dynamics

Frequently Asked Questions:

Not necessarily! While relationship and emotions therapy can be very effective for couples, it can also benefit partners in non-traditional relationships, like polyamorous situations or particular family bonds.

Absolutely! Relationship and emotions therapy can provide a safe space for open communication about coming-out experiences, both individual and as a couple. It can also help address anxieties, offer support, and strengthen the bond during this important transition.

Relationship and emotions therapy can be incredibly helpful, especially if you’re trying to “define” your relationship. At Manhattan Mindful, we offer a safe space for you to explore different relationship dynamics, assess your individual needs, and build a foundation for a fulfilling partnership — whatever form that may take.


Yes. Relationship and emotions therapy is a powerful tool for healing from past experiences related to LGBTQ+ identity like discrimination, rejection, or internalized homophobia/transphobia. Working through these experiences can strengthen your relationship and improve your overall well-being.

Transformative Blogs

Dive into impactful content and explore topics that provide examples of true inclusivity and pathways toward mental well-being for the LGBTQ+ community and ALL individuals looking for deep insights and inspiration.

“Our feelings are our most genuine paths to knowledge.”
~ Audre Lorde